Changing lives, one business at a time!

Love & Like Yourself & Become a “BossBabe4Christ”…

SGI is passionate about unleashing women in business ownership through unique, one of a kind coaching programs. SGI offers 3 coaching programs that give women the tools to thrive personally & professionally. 

First we teach women how to “Love & Like Yourself” by seeking God for their identity, healing from their past & getting a clear understanding on God’s “Big Vision” for their business. Next we partner with female business owners & assist them with creating a strong business foundation. Finally, we seek God for the steps & coach our clients to execute God’s plan.

God intended work to be FUN by operating in your Spiritual Gift (strength) and making a positive impact on others, which leaves you FULFILLED!


Health & Wellness…

Did you know that taking care of your body is actually something God asks you to do? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “Do you knot know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

SGI encourages women to invest in themselves by creating habits that allow them to have a body they LOVE & LIKE. By doing this women not only honor God with their bodies, but they operate business at an elevated level. When you feel good and look good, you are able to operate your business with CONFIDENCE. 

We offer health & wellness products for weight loss, fitness & beauty. 


Wealth Building…

Are you tired of worry about money? Are you ready to live out Jeremiah 29:11 in real life? SGI empowers female business owners to become excellent financial stewards by tracking their finances, praying before they spend and actively looking for ways to multiple their money which builds generational wealth.

How much peace would you have to be financially prepared if you die too soon or live too long? A lot of people don’t know where to start & can feel overwhelmed when it comes to getting finances in order and planning for your future financially. SGI focuses on education first. Knowing how to manage your money and what your options are allow you to determine which products work best for you & your family. We find that most people are not in a financial position to purchase the products they want all at once, so we specialize in creating custom plans for our clients to gaining wealth at a pace that aligns with their finances.