Creating, supporting & empowering BossBabes4Christ!”


What is a “BossBabe4Christ”?

A BossBabe4Christ (BB4C) is a woman who “love & likes” herself because her identity is found in Christ. She is confident, yet humble. She invests in herself & has established habits that allow her to be her best physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally & financially. She lets God lead every aspect of her life & surrenders control to God. She walks by faith & is unwavering in trusting God’s plan. She is fierce & flexible.

A BB4C knows what her spiritual gift is, has a clear understanding on how God wants her to use it & knows what God’s “Big Vision” is for her business. She reads the Bible daily & is consistently seeking God for her steps on how to run her business.

A BB4C honors God with her words & actions. She treats people with love, honor, respect & kindness. She embodies Romans 12:2 which states “Do not conform to the ways of the world, but let God transform you by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good & acceptable & perfect.” Make sure to follow us and check out our BB4C vibe on Instagram.

SGI offers 3 coaching programs that will support & empower you to become a “BossBabe4Christ”. 

Love & Like Yourself Coaching Program

4-Month Program

Our “Love & Like Yourself” (LLY) Coaching Program is focused on unleashing you in business ownership by coaching you through the LLY Journal to identify who the best version of you is by seeking God. It is a 4-month coaching program with weekly 1-hour meetings via zoom or in person. We work with clients to identify & understanding the habits they need to become their best self:

  • Physically
  • Mentally
  • Spiritually
  • Emotionally
  • Financially

Healing is a huge part of becoming unleashed. In the LLY Journal we coach our clients through healing exercises that allow them to break the strongholds of their past and find freedom from the burdens of their past hurts. Part of the healing process is also forgiving yourself and seek God for wisdom on how to handle situations going forward in a favorable, God-honoring way.

We also walk our clients through an exercise that allows them to have clarity on their Spiritual Gift and understanding on how God wants them to use it. Lastly, we take time to seek God to understand His “Big Vision” for your business.

The reason why the LLY Coaching Program is so successful is because it is all about God. The solutions are based on each individual client and we are doing life with you. By the end of this program you will know who the best you is, you will have a closer relationship with God, you will understand the habits you need to embody to “love & like yourself” and you will have an understanding of what God’s “Big Vision” for your business is. 

“BossBabe4Christ” Coaching Program

5-Month Program

The goal of the “BossBabe4Christ” (BB4C) Coaching Program is to give each client the foundation and tools to thrive personally and professionally according to God’s will and way. The coaching program consists of 1-hour weekly meetings for a 5-months period. Meetings are a combination of in person and zoom meetings.

First, we will identify “You 10.0” and create a strong business foundation. We have one of kind business tools that will walk you through how to build a strong foundation, step by step. The first 1-2 months are focused on, but not limited to, (1) Assessing the business (2) Creating a strong business foundation based on the gifts and calling God has given you (3) Identify and becoming Your BEST SELF (4) Financial check up and tracking and (5) Being disciplined and consistent with effective daily habits.

Next, we strategize how to achieve your goals and implement the game plan. Months 3-5 are typically focused on (6) Brand Identity (7) Social Media (8) Marketing and Advertising (9) Efficient and effective workflow (10) Increasing revenues. There are also other coaching areas that the client may need in addition to the categories listed. In addition, we will meet our clients where they are at and adjust our coaching to the needs of our client.

Finally, we will make sure you have the tools to continue to level up after you are done with our coaching program. Again, imagine how amazing your business will be with God, who is all powerful and all knowing, leading you. By the time you complete your 5-month coaching program, you will definitely feel like a “BossBabe4Christ”! Click here to see what our clients are saying about us.

Elite Coaching Program

10-Month Program

The Elite Coaching Program is the LLY Coaching & BB4C Coaching Program combined. This coaching program also consists of 1-hour weekly meetings for a 10-months period. Meetings are also a combination of in person and zoom meetings.

The benefit of doing these programs together is the length of time you get to partner with SGI to achieve your goals personally & professionally.

“Changing lives, one business at a time!”