The Love and Like Yourself (LLY) Journal is a workbook that walks you through seeking God on who the best version of you is PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY and FINANCIALLY.
It contains exercises to heal from your past, forgive yourself, identify your Spiritual Gift and ask God for clarity and understanding on His “Big Vision” for your life.
The LLY Journal is design to UNLEASH women in business ownership, but women, regardless of their calling will benefit from the LLY Journal. LLY Journals are available on Amazon.
Love & Like Yourself Movement
The “Love and Like Yourself” Movement is created by SGI to empower women to become their best self by finding their identity in Christ & surrender every aspect of their life to God, which allows Him to direct her every step. When women do this, they are confident & live life to higher standards. When women live by higher standards, they make excellent decisions & choices.
When women love & like who they are, they serve with kindness, empathy, grace & kindness. Women are the heart of their family. For those who are married, they are the back bone of their husband. Women are extremely influencial, so when they learn to love & like themselves, they live a life they love & that results in happier families & better communities.
Click here to get your copy of the LLY Journal & join the LLY Movement. SGI’s heart to have the LLY Movement impact women in a positive worldwide. Please tag @sgi_biz and hashtag #LLYmvmt.